
Neighborhood Knitting & Community Crochet

Update 12/12/21:  50 pair of mittens were donated to Washington Elementary's third graders. We are currently collecting hats, scarves, cowls, and mitts for Tumblewood Teens and Riverstone Health's Tree of Warmth. Delivery to those organizations will be mid-December! Thank you to all who have contributed to this community effort. We're adding a new official community gathering to our weekly calendar starting in October! Please plan to join us on Tuesday afternoons from 1 - 3 and work on projects specifically to donate within Billings. Our friend Judy plans to be here most weeks and will provide some occasional knitting instruction....
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Our Fall Knitalong

Here's a little behind the scenes with some of our knitalong planning: We love to see what knitters put together for color. Sue wants to knit a steeked colorwork sweater in a fingering weight yarn . . . but we're not sure everyone else does - haha. Worsted weight colorwork sweaters can end up being very warm (for hot flashes this isn't always the best . . .) DK weight sweaters seem to be a nice finished weight. We have many gorgeous DK weight yarns to inspire . . . Acadia, Alpaca Classic, Felted Tweed, Scout to name a few. We've...
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The Forager and The Moordale

We can't keep up with what our friend Kathy is working on, but we know she's always got something on her needles and under her sewing machine presser foot. She zipped through a two samples with new yarns that arrived with our move this summer; when she dropped off the top knit with Twig, she said we could borrow a couple other sweaters she had knit, we chatted, and she flew off onto her next stop. This was during our sale, so we were pretty busy and distracted and didn't really check out the sweaters for a few days ....
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the "One That I Want" crop + more

Colorful crop tops are back (at least I hope)! I recently finished a top from the designer, Lily Kate France. The pattern was well crafted with incredible schematics leaving myself with a fairly quick project. This project has traveled around with me since the beginning of May. From being toted around in my backpack in case there was a bit of down time in the research lab, to surviving my awkward attempts at trying to learn how to crochet scallops, this top has seen it all! Learning short rows was new for me and also a fun process! This technique...
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Meet Our Friend Paul!

We welcome Paul Haesemeyer to our team. Paul joins us temporarily as he is in his hometown for a bit. For Paul, knitting is like a second language! We're eager to have his knitting talents, of course - but he also has a brand new degree in costume design, and that twenty-something vibe to help keep us on our toes. We plan to put him in charge of a couple of special projects in the shop and we're also delighted to have him help on the floor. We've kind of watched Paul grow up; his mom is a wonderful knitter...
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