Currently Crazy for Cotton

Sue finished a little Milo for the new grandbabe that's Linda's daughters's current WIP.

First off, let's give a shoutout to Georgie Nicolson "down under" for this super cute and versatile unisex pattern sized from tiny baby to big kid. It's one we'd go to anyway, but seemed especially perfect for this baby since Maddie and growing family live in Australia! We like the Milo for its modern look and approach to a versatile vest design - a little layer to keep tummies warm while arms are unencumbered. 

For this Milo, I chose Denim Revive from Rowan, a new-this-season-yarn. It was great to work with and the finished fabric feels like well-worn jeans (which shouldn't be a surprise, since it is made from recycled denim). 

And then there's Cotton Glacé, also from Rowan ~

We've had it from Day One and it's kind of a "sleeper" yarn in the shop. But those who try it LOVE IT! There was a visitor from California early in the spring who bought a sweater's worth of it, went home and got going on the project, then called us to have another sweater quantity mailed to her because she liked it so much. Sleeper yarns in our shop are regularly put "on notice" by us which means we're considering putting them in the Sale Room - not necessarily a permanent banishment from the bar - but most likely they won't be back. For those of you who don't have sport weight cotton sweater in your plans, this little wash cloth pattern could be a good way to give Cotton Glacé a try.

they are addictive to knit and the color palette and sheen of the little balls is a perfect combo for this portable summertime project 

Maybe we've inspired some of you to get crazy for some cotton; we've talked about only two that we stock - you'll have to come by to see and squeeze these and all our other cottons for yourself! Cheers to summer stitching!

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