Thank You + (a few other musings)

As we take stock of things before heading to Market we wish to THANK YOU again  for supporting your local yarn shop. We know without a doubt that shopping online is quite a lot easier than making the effort to leave the comforts of home and head out to a brick and mortar shop.

We also know that it is impossible for us to stock all of what The Internet offers with essentially instant gratification to consumers in terms of seeing the latest hand dyed creation and clicking directly into a website to get it ASAP. One of our vendors had a pre-market survey and asked what our biggest challenge is, and that is absolutely one of ours. We're very happy with the "vibe" that our shop presents and are now comfortable making buying decisions that combine what we see a lot of our customers wanting to create and our philosophical beliefs about the process of making things - - not "instant gratification", not "fast-fashion", not "WINNING" (i.e. acquiring the most coveted tote bag or trendiest hand dyed yarn). We truly appreciate all of you for valuing what we offer - knowledge about and passionate enthusiasm for our inventory . . . as well as advice and direction, and encouragement for whatever project you have in mind . . . all in a beautiful and inviting space.

We head to market seeking quality yarns at various price points that are thoughtfully produced in ways that have the least impact on our planet. We also head to market to continue to connect FACE TO FACE, person-to-person with fellow fiber-loving retailers and vendors in today's challenging place for retail as we all figure out how to keep up with (in no particular order!) the internet, big box stores, social media, the endless quest for cheap stuff . . . while maintaining a viable business that we feel good about. Thank you for reading along; we welcome your feedback next time you're in the shop.


Thank You

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