Our Story

Acquaintances through the “mom circuit”, Linda and Sue first teamed up as part of the staff at a local yarn shop. Six years later, the timing was right in our home lives to create an official partnership in Yarn Bar LLC and our shop opened its doors on August 1, 2017.
Meet Linda & Sue
We believe that the fiber world is an amazing place full of kind people and beautiful yarns just waiting to be made into something unique. We are passionate about the rich traditions of handwork, making things, color theory, learning, and sharing time and talent outside the shop walls. Our enthusiasm is evident in the curated yarns, tools, and ideas we have combined to encourage all levels to start from the beginning, enhance & expand current skills, and spark general “fiber creativity”.

We are also firm believers in the importance of independent retail shops within a community. The assortment of places to shop has always contributed to the feel of a town, whether drawing people in for their Saturday Marketing or creating Destination Shopping for visitors. We also love shopping! While anything and everything can be purchased from behind a computer screen, the internet does not care about whether you're studying for an exam, just got into a fender bender, Mom's having surgery, you're off to meet a friend for coffee, are planning some fun travel, or you're here on a work trip. These are the snippets of daily lives that are a part of what makes running a little shop important ~ face-to-face interactions, a little connection in the bigger community. And this is what we especially love about running our local yarn shop - the human connections.
Come gather with us at the Yarn Bar. Cheers!