
Yarn Bar OliveYarn Bar always welcomes you to one of our favorite places to hang out. If we don't have a scheduled event in shop, come knit for a bit! All stitchers are welcome to join us; we love to see what you're working on. We also enjoy "knitting in public" and these events are posted on our social media sites and the calendar.


Classes and workshops are a wonderful way to learn something new or brush up on a technique. We offer hands-on instruction for all levels taught by experienced practitioners. Please visit our calendar for current offerings and detailed class descriptions, and drop by the shop to sign up, or register online. The materials required for classes will receive a 10% discount.

Fiber FriYAY - gather with us and celebrate the weekend. Bring your social knitting or crochet project and catch up with Yarn Bar Friends.

Neighborhood Knitting and Community Crochet on Tuesdays - We're adding a new official community gathering to our weekly calendar starting in October! Please plan to join us on Tuesday afternoons from 1 - 3 and work on projects specifically to donate within Billings. Read more here on our related blog

We are a registered drop off point for Knitted Knockers and stock one of the approved yarns for this non-profit's project. If you're interested in making knockers, please stop by the shop to pick up a ball of yarn and we will knock off 50% on two balls per month, per customer. Drop off completed knockers any time and we will mail them to Washington.

Yarn Bar Divider

Look for other get-togethers on our events calendar and social media! We've tried Movie Night, Knit Night at local breweries, gathering at a coffee shop . . . All stitchers are welcome to join us - we often say Knit Night but that also includes crochet, embroidery, etc. And If you're a reader, ask about our 'Get Lit at Yarn Bar' group.