Pascuali Mohair Bliss
Softer than soft, Mohair Bliss is what every mohair lover has ever dreamt of and more: a premium quality lace weight yarn crafted from a luxurious blend of 60% Super Kid Mohair and 40% Mulberry Silk!
What makes Mohair Bliss so exceptional?
Top of the Line Quality FleeceMohair is the name of the curly, silky fleece of the angora goat. The fineness of mohair and the determing factor of its quality, is measured in microns. We use a rare mohair fibre because it is superkid which is about 24 to 26 microns thick. These fibres are the softest, finest, most luxurious mohair fleece young goats will ever produce. It is no wonder that mohair is commonly known as the “diamond fibre”.