For those who like all the details, here we have them:
September 17- October 31 - A Pop-Up shop featuring Prairie Cottage/Diane Sitter's wonderful wool pillows, coverlets, and pet beds. Wool is hypoallergenic, 100% renewable, and besides living down the road in Laurel, Diane sources her batts locally. Learn more about this great small business when we chat with Diane on YouTube 9/17.

September - November 1 - - Door Mitten Exchange ~ Knit a Felted Door Mitten! If you've never felted before, this will be a fun process; if you've never made a mitten before, this is a great way to learn how without using little needles. Or maybe you're ready for an old fashioned gift exchange! We will gather on Friday, November 1st with the finished and wrapped mitten. We'll ooooh and aaaah and each have a fun new holiday decoration just in time for the Festive Season.
October 4-5 - - BEV.POLK HANDWEAVER ~ Bev joins us with beautiful and practical fine goods from her looms. With a studio space views of mountains and meadows in Willsal, MT and her Scandinavian heritage, we are sure you'll find Bev's fine weavings as appealing as we did when we met her at the bi-annual Montana Association of Weavers & Spinners event this past August.
October 1 - 31 - - HATSIES ~ Make a hat, cowl, scarf, or mittens and submit for our popular peoples' choice vote. Categories are Colorwork, Cables, Lacey, and Basic. Winners in each category receive $25 gift card and bragging rights. Yarn for your project is 15% off and choose-your-own greeting card or sticker for participating! $10 admin fee.
October 1 - 31 ~ ~ U.F.O(ctober) ~ Put $5 in the pot for each UnFinishedObject you'd like to try to finish during the month. If you actually do finish the object, you'll be eligible to win all the cash when your name is selected!
December 3 from 6-9pm - - Merry Making at the Moss Mansion ~ Put on some fancy clothes and join us for our 4th Annual festive evening with catered nibbles, champagne, and fiber-loving friends in a delightful historic home.