Update 1/16/25: We are always saving warm hand stitched accessories for annual donation to Tumbleweed Teens and Riverstone's Tree of Warmth. Thank you so much to our community of generous makers! If you have a specific need for warm accessories any time, please ask.
Update 12/12/21: 50 pair of mittens were donated to Washington Elementary's third graders. We are currently collecting hats, scarves, cowls, and mitts for Tumblewood Teens and Riverstone Health's Tree of Warmth. Delivery to those organizations will be mid-December! Thank you to all who have contributed to this community effort.
We're adding a new official community gathering to our weekly calendar starting in October! Please plan to join us on Tuesday afternoons from 1 - 3 and work on projects specifically to donate within Billings. Our friend Judy plans to be here most weeks and will provide some occasional knitting instruction. The first organized project is mittens for third grade students at Washington Elementary School, and Judy will share her favorite mitten pattern and pro-tips!

If you've not knit mittens, this could be a nice opportunity to learn mitten construction while also contributing to a worthy cause. Please join us if you are able; we will be accepting mittens for school aged children this fall if you would like to donate but cannot get to gatherings on Tuesdays. Supplies for Neighborhood Knitting will receive 10% off on Tuesday afternoons.
Our plans for future group projects will include Tumbleweed teen hats (as we've done before!) and Riverstone Health's Tree of Warmth.