Back in the fall we met Carrie Jensen, the new owner of the yarn shop in Great Falls and we chatted about maybe setting up an exchange of some sort; in February we were in the midst of getting details sorted when the whole COVID-19 situation now we're all busy keeping super clean....
Anywhooo, kids have returned home, our respective shops are settling into a new mode while we keep an eye on daily news and we are ready to share the plan with you.
- sign up by April 15
- limited to 15 participants
- we ask that you use cotton from our shop
- choose your own pattern; knit or crochet
- return finished dishcloth by May 15
- please include a small note for your recipient!
- each shop will mail the box-o-cloths and we will distribute to participants
- of course dates will be adjusted if necessary, and we will deliver or curbside pickup your yarn and/or dishcloth if you choose.