Sharing Thanks

Late in the summer we put out a call for handknit cowls for the September Casting for Recovery weekend. They came in, the weekend happened, and Thank You Notes came back. Yes, we probably should have blogged about them before November, but a Thank You is always appreciated, and these need to be shared!

"Thank you for the wonderful hand knit neck gators. They are so beautiful and cozy. We appreciate your generosity. God Bless ~Jennifer"

"They are awesome! It was amazing to see how everyone's matched what they were wearing! In Montana, they will get a lot of use! I'd like someone to teach me some of the stitches! I'm a beginning knitter & these inspire me. Thank you for caring, & for all your work.  ~Judy"

"A very special thank you for taking the time to knit such beautiful neck gators! I'll not only wear while fishing but also for my morning walks! Many thanks! ~Mary"

"Thank you so much for the neck gator - it is awesome. I received the dark teal gator. It will keep me warm fly fishing as well as downhill skiing. Thank you for your generosity and all the time and effort (and love) it took to make it. ~Anita"

"Hello Friends - We have not met personally...but I will take a part of you with me with the love you put into the gator. Know that you brought smiles and warmth. I promise to 'pay it forward'. With Love ~Julia"

And this one from the CFR Staff:

"Dear Yarn Bar Girls, 'Ask and you shall receive'- when we requested or inquired if anyone would knit a gator for Casting for Recovery, we were thinking 'basic colors and something warm'. What a delightful surprise to see the creativity in design and colors! Every one of the survivors at the retreat was able to have just what she liked. What a special moment of the weekend! The ladies truly felt blessed also by the notes attached. In gratitude ~CFR Staff"

Heartwarming, for sure! Thank you all for reading along, and big thanks to all who knit for the retreat participants. 



Thank You

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