Celebrate the shortest month of the year with a challenge to start & finish a decent sized project in four weeks! Modern Daily Knitting began organizing this in 2016 by encouraging the knitting of a specific sweater. We've participated enthusiastically since opening the shop and encourage you to also. We've got options for sweaters listed below. This year the Modern Daily gals have dug into their archives and suggest the Kiki Mariko Rug as their official Bang It Out project and we're so on board with this idea that we brought in some Lamb's Pride Bulky. Pick ten colors and off you go with simple stranding in the round, felting, and a steek! In fact, Sue was on board with this rug about 6 years ago when she got about half way through it before getting distracted by the next project. Needless to say, I'm resurrecting it now!
SIGN UP HERE to get Yarn Bar's official perks!
KIKI MARIKO RUG BY Ann Shayne and Kay Gardner
You'll receive 10% off your Bang It Out yarn and we'll give you a commemorative souvenir that our friend Katy over at Katrinkles makes just for us. Also, we put your names in the hat for random prize drawings. Of course we are here to cheer you on and help with questions. Finally, we arrange get-togethers. Pre-covid, these were easy and carefree things like pot luck brunch, gatherings at a local brewery, knitting get togethers at the shop, and a fun show-n-tell Saturday. This year, we'll be sticking mainly to Zoom unless you're in Shannon's sweater class where you'll see each other behind masks every Saturday!
Here's what has crossed our radar this year that we think is totally doable in four weeks. (For suggestions from previous years, look here.)
Ramona Pullover or Ramona Cardi by Elizabeth Smith

Soundtrack by Elizabeth Smith

Winter Nights by Shannon Larson

Inovec by Karin Hernandes (using Noro Ito)

Nuuk Sweater using Fibre Co Cumbria Worsted

Rumpled by Lily Kate using Rowan Brushed Fleece

Hachi by Kineco Yuki

For the Bang it Out event you mention Zoom meetings to join. Are there specific ones you recommend or do I just join any of them on the calendar (and if so I assume the links are on the calendar)?