We’re not terribly “sporty” but we truly appreciate time, talent, and dedication to anything you love doing . . . and the Olympics are always fun to watch. And so we embrace The Games with a challenge opportunity!
- Sign up in the shop by February 8th.
- Donate to our Big Sky State Games jar to participate.
3. Keep track of your yardage to the best of your ability from Feb. 9-25th. We will provide a form for you to fill out.
4. Return form to us by Monday February 26, when results will be tallied.
5. Prizes! Gold: Most yardage using yarn from Yarn Bar - $100.00 gift card
Silver: Most yardage in an Olympic-themed project - $50.00 gift card
Bronze: Most yardage with yarn from your stash - $25.00 gift card
All participants will receive a little Participation Prize.